Registering your organisation for the UKONS SACT Digital Competency Passport on Compassly

Getting Compassly

This guide and form are intended for the SACT lead at each organisation wanting to use the UKONS Digital SACT Competency Passport. It is up to each organisation to agree who the most relevant lead is to complete these details.The UKONS Digital SACT Competency Passport is hosted on the Compassly app, and we therefore need to get both you (as the lead) and your organisation setup to use it.

1. Register yourself in the app

We need your profile setup in Compassly so we can assign the lead (Super Manager) in your organisation to you. You can download the app and register your own personal profile directly in the system:


Tap on “Register” at the bottom of the screen and follow the instructions.

You can also use the web portal (, but people tend to find the mobile app a bit easier for this stage. Include the email you’ve registered with in the form below, so we ensure we link the right account.

2. Get your organisation setup

In Compassly, we need to setup each organisation for signing off the passport – each user is managed under a specific organisation and all actions in the passport are recorded under the relevant organisation and supervisor.

2a Add your organisation to the register (if not already done)

We previously circulated this form for the lead at each organisation to complete:

This helps us keep a central register of the organisations and lead users using the passport – please fill in the details to register your organisation.If you have already submitted your responses, you do not need to repeat this step, we will have your responses.

2B Complete organisation configuration

On the next page we ask you for the details we need to configure your organisation. Please complete all the sections and return it to the Compassly team who provided you with the form to complete.

3. Help you understand how to use it

Alongside this Organisation Setup guide, you should have received the more detailed Getting Started guide, which steps through the details of how to use the app. If you’d prefer to see a demonstration, you can see watch the launch event from The Royal Marsden on the UKONS website, under the SACT Members Interest Group.

This covers the history and context of the passport, changes made to the content and a full demonstration of the system.

Organisation configuration form

The details of this form are included here for reference - we recommend that you contact the Compassly team to obtain a Word copy to complete and return.

About you

Please make sure you include the full legal name of your organisation, not your specific hospital or site.

- Your name
- Name of your organisation
- Email you have used to register on Compassly

Please ensure you have completed your registration on the Compassly app before returning this form, as we cannot set you up without it.

Configuring your organisation

We can configure the names of the locations, services and roles for your organisation. This is mainly to allow for more detailed reporting and management, and helps the app look and feel relevant for staff using it. You can stick with the defaults below, but if you want us to use different names then please replace the values in the table below. You can add others and we can setup as many locations, services and roles as you need – just start a new bullet / line for each.If you operate on multiple sites, please also make this clear by showing each clinical area under the relevant site. This will allow us to map the data in the future for reporting purposes.
We know a few organisations have slightly trickier setups – please let us know if there is anything else we should be aware of when setting up your organisation, for example any sharing / service level agreements with other organisations.

Is there anything else unusual in your organisation setup we need to know about?

Peer sign-off

In some cases, there may be challenges for signing off the Super Manager’s digital passport, where there isn’t a valid manager or peer to assign and sign-off competencies (this would also be a challenge with the paper passport). We believe that most organisations will be able to have a peer or equivalent professional lead and will not need any help with this, but please let us know below if you need assistance with this.
How will you, as the super manager, have your own passport signed off / revalidated?

Delete as appropriate
- Someone else within my organisation can act as my manager – I don’t need any help with this·
- I’ll need help from someone outside my organisation, please contact me to discuss
Describe how your paper passport is currently re-validated annually

AI Marking

The AI Marking is still experimental but early feedback has shown it to be helpful in saving time for markers and improving the depth of feedback provided to nurses answering the theory section.
We can enable or disable this feature by organisation. Please let us know if you would like us to enable this for your organisation when we set you up (if you choose not to then we can enable it later, but it will only be available for newly submitted answers):
Would you like to be considered as one of the organisations to try the AI marking of the theory section?
Yes / No