Competency Passport

The implementation of the UKONS Digital SACT Competency Passport on Compassly has been kindly sponsored by B Braun

How do I get my SACT Competency Passport on Compassly?

If your organisation is already using Compassly for the UKONS Digital SACT Competency Passport and you’re looking to join and start completing your passport, follow these five easy steps to get going:

Five steps to start using Compassly

Registering my organisation for Compassly

You cannot complete the Digital SACT Competency Passport without being part of an approved organisation - this ensures that all competencies have an audit and assurance route of being signed off by a suitable supervisor in an appropriate organisation.

If you’re not the lead SACT nurse, please check with them first - your organisation may already be registered for Compassly!

If you’re the lead SACT nurse and your organisation is not registered, please see this page for further details.

And if you’re not sure, please Contact us to find out

Support for UKONS members with the Digital SACT Competency Passport

There are a range of resources available to help UKONS members with implementing the passport.

Getting started guides

We’ve put together simple guides to help you start using the Digital SACT Competency Passport on Compassly. These are PDFs that you can email or print for colleagues in your organisation. There is one for all new users registering on the app, and then a more detailed.

See Getting started guides for more information

Compassly help guides

We have more detailed help pages that can guide you through some of the more detailed parts of Compassly. Please note that most of these guides are generic for all users of Compassly rather than written specifically for UKONS members or with the SACT Competency Passport material, but the concepts apply exactly the same.

See Help guides for more information

Recording of training events

See Launch events for each event and to see the videos for historical events

Compassly Clinics

If you’ve read the support material and you’re still stuck or just need some broader help, UKONS members can book in for a free Teams call to help with their specific queries

Find out more about the Compassly Clinics and book a slot here

Suggest a change to the content

One of the great advantages of moving to a digital competency passport is that we are able to update the passport without having to re-publish the PDF or reprint physical copies, and so we can be far more responsive to changes suggested by the UKONS community.
If you’d like to suggest a change, please follow the details on this page.